The zip code 63147 is located in county Missouri. There are approximately 11,373 people living in zip code 63147. They make up households. The average income per household in the 63147 zip code is $29,060. The median age of the residents is 35 years old (which is 28 years old for males and 40 years old for females).
Calvary Cemetery Link
Calvary Cemetery Grounds Link
William Clark's Tomb at Bellefontaine Cemetery Link
Catherine "Kate" Brewington Bennett Link
Eberhard Anheuser mausoleum, beer brewer Link
Riverfront Trail designed by Bob Cassilly Link
The entrance to Calvary Cemetery Link
Historic Union Light and Power Company Building Link
The Busch Family Tomb at Bellefontaine Cemetery Link
The Lemp Family Tomb in Bellefontaine Cemetery Link
Hotchkiss Chapel Columbarium, Bellefontaine Cemetery Link
Bellefontaine Cemetery Link
Riverfront Trail Link
The Wainwright Tomb at Bellefontaine Cemetery, NR, City Landmark Link
Calvary Cemetery Link
Baden-St Louis Public Library Branch, Bellefontaine Cemetery, Calvary Cemetery, Hickey Park, Mary Meachum Freedom Crossing, O'Fallon Park, US Post Office-Baden Station,